Sunday, June 3, 2012

MAUS by Art Speigleman

Maus was a fantastic graphic novel about the life of Vladek Speigleman, the author's father, who was a World War II survivor. The characters of course are depicted as mice! Well... not all of them. The German Nazi character's are drawn up as cats, which i thought was clever because it showed the happenings of World War II as a cat vs. mouse game.  Art is even in the story because the plot line flops between memories Vladek is telling and the current time Art is asking for them. The main story, or plot there rather is about the times and memories Vladek had from the time before the war, in his home of Poland to the heart of the war when he ends up in Aushwitz, a hostile German concentration camp. Along the way you find out more about Art's mother, Anja, who Vladek misses greatly. This book is a great read and even though it's a graphic novel, I learned more reading this book than i have most other books. It would be great for anyone who's interested in reading, plus Mr. B said it was awesome. -- Tom Berzok Period 4


  1. I think that this book was a perfect example that comic books can have plots just as good as those in realistic fictions books- Prasad Patwardhan (Period 4)

  2. If Mr. B said it was awesome then I have to read it! The plot sounds very interesting and WWII is always a topic that is worth reading about. How realistic is the book? Are there a lot of factual information or is it more fiction ?
    -Matt B. (Period 7/8)

  3. I read this book and truly enjoyed it. At first, I was skeptical due to the fact that it was a graphic novel, however it was a quick excellent read. -- Ryan J 7/8

  4. This looks amazing. I was allays interested in WWII and to see it as a graphic novel and with cats and mice is really cool. I'm going to read this as soon as I find it.
    - Jake Syetta (period 2)

  5. I haven't really been able to bring myself to read a graphic novel, but this one sounds good so I might just have to. --Aidan Werder 4

  6. Since Mr. B likes these types of books they must be good. Although, a concentration camp is probably something I wouldn't want to see in graphic detail. -Eric Canonaco

  7. This book seems really interesting. It is interesting how the author used different tactics to tell a story. Using the pictures in the graphic novel seems like it would really be a nice addition to help me get through the story.

    Matt Fein Period 7/8

  8. I've usually stayed awya from grapgic novels, but this one lookes interesting. I find World War two to be very cool and would like to see te true facts in this book.
    -John S. Period 2

  9. I am very interested in this book for two reasons. My first reason is that its a graphic novel and i love graphic novels. There interesting and inspiring. Secondly, Its about WWII and thats a serious topic and i would like to see how they connect to each other.
    Joshua Barkoff (Period 2)

  10. Having an informational grapic novel is really interesting. To depict scenes of WWII through a cat and mouse style is something I have to read, or see. I'm looking forward to reading my first graphic novel and to know how well the author draws these characters. ~Vincent C. Period 2
