Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn

Similar to Alex Flinn’s Beastly, A Kiss in Time is also a modernized fairytale. The narration is in first person but the point of view changes from the two main character; Talia and Jack. Their very different personalities help tell the story in an accurate way. I knew they were written that way purposefully, so that both sides of the story could be portrayed and we could see what each character was thinking in their actions. I recommend this book to anyone who wants something easy to read but also engaging. There are certain parts of the story that seem to drone on but mostly it is a book that keeps you constantly reading. Many people, especially teens, will be a fan of this book.- Val Paulino


  1. from your description of this book it seems like an enjoyable book, maybe I'll read it one day.

  2. I read this book and I really enjoyed it. I really liked other books of Alex Flinn. This book is not the ordinary and has an interesting plot, that's what caught my eye. This book was one of my favorites last year and it's very funny as well.
    -Janet Shin Pd. 4

  3. I have never read a book that goes between two different point of views. It seems very interesting, especially if it holds your attention. I also love reading books about love so I think I would like to read about the engagement. I look forward to trying this book out.
    -Kaitlin Colaiuti (period 3)

  4. It Sounds a very intresting book. Looking forward to read it!! Noura Darwish (period2)

  5. The 2 character point of views sound interesting. I've read a few books that do that (Breaking Dawn, My Sister's Keeper) and it always work out. The different point of views are so different, yet make the story stronger.

    -Vanessa Vilas
    period 7/8

  6. it sounds like a very interesting and easy summer reading book. maybe i will read it this summer
    Dina Shenouda, perids 2

  7. I loved this book! It reminded me a lot of the movie Enchanted, how an old fairy tale story is brought to life with a modern twist. Different enough to stand out from the rest of the tiara throng, it is really a great page-turner.

    Sairah Varughese (Period 3)

  8. I've read his book Beastly. It was really good. I started to read this book but never got a chance to complete it because I was busy and I didn't want to keep on renewing it. I think it's cool how Alex Flinn makes a modern version of fairy tales.

    Selena Hu Period 12
