Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard

Jaycee Dugard was just a normal 11-year-old girl, until a man named Philip Garrido kidnapped her on her way to the bus stop one morning. For eighteen years she couldn't say her own name. She was subject to horrible abuse and there was nothing she could do to fight it, he had full control. Eventually, she had become a mother to her daughters and was forced to be a sister. As her hope wore thin, she took her life back on August 26 of 2009. Jaycee Dugard wrote this book, A Stolen Life, to share her story with us, just as she remembers it. Many people would enjoy this book due to its suspense and how interesting it is. It would be especially appealing to those who like reading non-fiction because it is an autobiography. Overall, anyone from teens up until adults could read this novel and be completely intrigued. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this and I feel that Dugard's thoughts and emotions are so deep and true. I hope you consider reading this book because it is truly fantastic.    -Kaitlin Colaiuti


  1. I read this book for my summer reading this past year. It was a great story filled with many lessons. I would never be able to do what Jaycee did and she should be considered a hero!

    -Kersyn Wood
    Period 2

  2. This book sounds very interesting, even more so because of the fact that it is an autobiography. I could never imagine being kidnapped and forced into a life I didn't want. I'll surely consider checking it out!
    -Winnee Lee (per. 3)

  3. This book looks very good, the fact that its an autobiography makes it real and more interesting. Its amazing the stories people have that they write into books, its especially brave since she was kidnapped, some people who have been kidnapped can't tell their stories because they are too scared/other emotions.
    -Nicole Miletti(Period 2)

  4. I heard about this story on the news! It sounds so scary, and it's even scarier that it's a true story. I give you major respect for being able to read this. I would have nightmares for weeks
    -Emily P.
    Period 3

  5. This seems like an interesting books. Not many books are published about a story of kidnapping or other sad topics. It seems interesting to read of the perspective of someone who's been in that situation.
    -Janet Shin Pd. 4

  6. I did a research about her and it is very sad of what happenned to her. Am looking forward of reading her book ad knowing how she survived all those years. Noura Darwish (period2)

  7. I remember seeing this story on the news and I believe this women was on Oprah or another talk show and her story was incredible. Though I'm not one to read nonfiction, this book is an exception because it will probably have great voice and emotion in he book.
    Dhiraj Peddu(period 4)

  8. This book seems very sad, but interesting. I find it amazing how the author had the courage to put out her real story. She is very brave and like Kersyn said, a hero.

    Sara E. Period 4

  9. I saw this new story a couple of years back and I couldn't believe that she was alive and well. I wonder what it was like to be in that situation of being kidnapped. It sounds like a interesting, but very sad and gruesome story.
    -Jason Wang Period 3
