Wednesday, May 23, 2012

First Meetings in Ender's Universe by Orson Scott Card

This book is a series of short stories written by Orson Scott Card that relate to Ender's Game. It includes stories about Ender's dad; one about his childhood in Poland, and the other about how he met Ender's mom. Through these stories, you can really understand why they both acted the way they did in Ender's Game when Ender was chosen for Battle School. Additionally, these stories make Ender's parents come to life, instead of being just "characters" in Ender's Game. Another piece this book includes is a short story version of Ender's Game; the one Card wrote before he created the novel version. It was really interesting to see what Card changed in the book and what he kept exactly the same. The last short story is about Ender's life 15 years after he was commander. Anyone who enjoyed reading Ender's Game or likes science fiction would definitely have fun reading this book, as Card is an amazing author who really knows how to tell a story. ~Tiffany F. (per. 4)


  1. That sounds really cool. I loved Ender's Game. Does this book help you understand his parent's motives and other things that weren't mentioned in the book?

  2. Is this a newer book because I don't think it's part of the Ender's game series or Ender's shadow series?
    Prasad Patwardhan(Period 4)

  3. I would definitely want to read this book because in the first Ender's Game Ender's parents seem like they will play such a large and important role but we learn so little about them. I think understanding them will help me better understand Ender, Peter, and Valentine. - Sean O'Sullivan Period 4

  4. This sounds like a interesting book. I enjoy the book we had to read for class, "Ender's Game" and I'd love to read more of the books in the series.

  5. I never heard of this one, but it does sound interesting. I always really like it when the author goes back and creates a really comprehensive backstory. Ender's Game was one of my favorite books of all time, and I would love to know what happened with some of the more minor characters.
    -Ross Freeman Period 7/8

  6. I wish we had a chance to read this before starting Ender's Game because it would be very helpful in understanding the characters action. Also, knowing what was happening in the world before Ender was born could give a clue as to what happened in the world when Ender left and Peter took over. This book seems like a must-read for anyone who is interested in the Ender's Game series.
    Jordan G. Period 7/8
