Thursday, May 24, 2012

Chasing Yesterday #1 Awakening by Robin Wasserman

One girl. Age 13. Unconscious. Unharmed. Unclaimed. Unidentified. Can you imagine waking up one morning not knowing who you are?

That is what happened to J.D. A thirteen year old girl that was found unconscious trapped in a bombed building. She woke up knowing nothing about herself or her past. The only thing she was sure of is that she was in danger, from people around her; she was also a danger to the people around her. She wakes up horrified from  haunting nightmares that could possibly  be memories of her past. She knows nothing about her family, who they are, why they haven't claimed her, or where they may be. The one thing that she knows is that she cannot trust anyone, especially herself. Not until she knows who she really is and where she came from. Later on during the book she starts noticing changes in her self. throughout the book she gets random shocks of power from her brain, not her body. She knows nothing of where they come from, but with the power comes commands. She starts hearing commands in her head, something telling her to destroy, hurt and kill. This group of books are a great mysterious series that follow J.D on her long trip in trying to find out who she really is. This book could attract any kinds of readers who are into mystery, crime and fiction books that are filled with actions. ~Youliana E. (per. 2)


  1. This book sounds really interesting. It is so intriguing that this girl doesn't remember anything of her path. It makes you a little suspicious of her that she was at a bombed building, and very scared that someone is telling her to destroy people. I hope I can get my hands on this book!
    Priyanka Period 4

  2. Wow I'd really like to know what happened to J.D.! It'd be so frightening to wake up one day and not know who you were. Seems like a great book. -Tiffany Fong period 4

  3. This sounds really interesting. I cant imagine being unconscious.~Mary(period 2)

  4. This book seems to interesting and so far fetched. I couldn't even begin to imagine not knowing who I am. I would like to know what happens to J.D. and what she goes through. I like the story line of this book because it isn't one that I've heard of before. I will definitely check this book out and have an amazing reading experience.
    - Josette Rogers (4)

  5. I read this book before, but I couldn't remember it's name. I would like to read the sequel. But anyways, this really is an interesting book.Once you start it's hard to put down.

    -Priya Bhave (4)
