Monday, April 30, 2012

Ender’s Shadow by Orson Scott Card

Ender is humanities last hope to defeat the buggers, or so we thought. There are many other extremely intelligent minds up in Battle School, including Bean. This smaller then belief child grew up with the sharpest mind on the streets of Rotterdam, just trying to survive. Bean changed the tough street life by inventing “families”, which is where one bigger child protects all the other little ones. Achilles was Bean’s “Papa”. Even though he was smart enough to keep the children alive, he is capable of holding a grudge forever, and Bean is next on Achilles list for payback. A friendly nun, Sister Carlotta, recognized Beans genius and his inevitable danger and sent him to Battle School, where he was the smartest of the smart. He became Enders trusted friend, helping him with all his troubles, while evading his own. This is a terrific, thrilling novel, and perfect for anyone who liked Ender’s Game or any science-fiction stories. Bean’s interesting perspective of the world is fascinating to follow. This book is too good to put down. –Becky K, Period 3


  1. Bean sounds like a pretty cool kid it is like he takes care of himself
    Robert hernandez
    Period 12

    1. I thought so, too. Thats the whole reason I liked the book. I thought it would be so cool to be as intelligent as Bean. It must be a blessing and a curse, super intellegence, but even the adults seem stupid compared to Bean. Not really able to have an intelligent conversation.
      Becky Kowalski~Period 3

  2. This book seems very interesting. Bean sounds like a great character an independent. Jackie M. period 2

  3. I find it interesting how someone can take an already published book, and create a story around/inside it that is as interesting as the previous.
    -Matthew Goldstein(period 3)

  4. Sounds like a good follow up to Enders Game!
    -Lior Period 3

  5. I wasn't a huge fan of 'Ender's Game,' sci-fi just isn't for me, but this convinced me to consider 'Ender's Shadow'!
    Hallel, pd. 7/8

  6. I read the prequel and this book seems interesting.
    I like how he goes to battle school!
    Isaac Chang
    Period 12

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I started reading this book for Independent Reading, but I wanted to save it for the summer when I would have more time to read it. Anyway, I also recommend it, and I think this book, and all of its sequels, prequels, and anything else in the entire series by Orson Scott Card are a great expansion of knowledge of the original book we read in class: Ender's Game.

    David Arida ~ Period 7/8

  9. Bean sounds extremely responsible and caring. I would love to be as intelligent as him! this book sounds very famous and familiar.
    Merna Kamel P.12

  10. It is really interesting how Card was able to rewrite the story from the perspective of another character. I've never seen anyone else do this and this makes me think of how it would work in other stories. I may have to read this one just because of how unique something like this is.

    Ross Freeman Period 7/8

  11. Was this book better than the first or was it worse? I personally was not a big fan of Ender's Game because I felt that there was not enough drama in it to make me want to continue reading it. If better, I think I will consider reading it.

    -Esther Youn, Period 4

  12. This sounds like a good book after reading the summary.. I'd love to read it especially since I greatly enjoyed the first book, "Ender's Game". - Danielle Keating; Period 3

  13. I'm not sure if this book is for me. Many of my freinds who have read the prequel said it was a stupid book and also hard to figure out.
    Abanoub Guerges p-1

  14. I'm thrilled to hear of such a creative sequel to Ender's Game. to hear the same story from another character's perspective is just such an interesting idea. I'm looking forward to see how Card executes such an idea.
    Frankie Wai p-7/8

  15. I enjoyed reading the book "Ender's Game". It would be interesting to read this story in another perspective because it allows readers to see more characteristics within each character. It also helps readers understand the story better.
    -Matthew Sweet

  16. I read this book just few months ago. It is very unique and interesting to see that it has a same storyline as Ender's Game but in different perspective. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who like Ender's Game.

    Jun Sun You - Period 7/8

  17. I remember reading Ender's Game in class and it was one of the most detailed, exciting, and thrilling books i have ever read. I would love to see this book, even if it's not a sequel to the series, but to see how other people reacted or thought about Ender.
    Jason Wang period 3
